Monday 3 March 2014

Mako/Kyle (Used for Zee Horror most of zee time)

Dem cute but dont bee fooled ^.^
Mako (Real name before becoming who he is: Kyle)
Age: 12-15
Catchphrase: Don't be fooled by wut chu seek
Story: At first he lead a RAINBOWZ SUNSHINE AND GLITTER Life. But suddenly he parents split up. He was heart broken. After he moved in with his father after the split up he became totally different. His dad started drinking and forgot about Mako (Kyle). One day he was walking back from listening to music when he was grabbed by his shirt and taken to a darken alley. There he was brutally murderd (I'm shocked I'm writing this abit). The last thing he had was a sharp stick. Since then he walks around with the sharp stick paying revange ^.^
Kills: Stalks the victim, until they are alone somewhere and KILLS!

If hez not Horror:
Perso: Kind cute kawaii strange bit bossy
Hobby/Talent: marshal arts (Fighting)
Supernat: Story!
Family: Hez killed zem all ^.^
Hogwarts: Slythiern
Other: At first he might be shy and quite but AFTER Chu met him he is...Kawaii cutie ^.^

Friday 28 February 2014

Tacker/Casey ^.^ (Manly used for Horror most zee time)

Looks sweet but deadly ^.^ 
Tracker (Real name at first: Casey) 
Aged: 12-16

Catchphrase: You can run but I'll find you
Story: she had a good life and great friends.  she were considered a jock at the school.  This was because she did track, soccer.  she was loved and hung out with everyone.  she were also really smart and didn't get made fun of for it.  People had noticed she had started to change.  She no longer wore bright clothes or went to parties. She stopped listening to pop music and listened to screamo.  She was coming home from a track meet one day and found her parents dead.  Herr neighbors came by later and saw her huddled in the corner covered in blood.  They took her and put you in a mental ensylem.  They put her in one of the padded rooms.  She sat in the corner and hugged your knees for days.  The voices in your head convinced her that she had killed her parents. She started to tear the padding off the walls and ripped a metal rod from the wall as well.  When the people came in to put her in a straight jacket she beat them and giggled and laughed while doing it.  She broke out of the ensylem and ran off into the woods.  She loves to kill. From then on she went insane and has a voice in her head called Adien and he is like a brother to her.
How she kills: She giggles while stalking your victoms to freak them out.  Then kill them with her metal rod if they don't commit suicide first.  If they run you catch them with your inhanced speed.
BTW I Cant be botherd to look images of her in real so just gonna leave her in Anime style ^.^

So if Tacker isnt in Horror then this is her stuff:
Perso: funny Kind athletic mysterious bossy sometimes ^.^
Hobby/Talent: Karate
Supernat: Wut the stroy above says ^.^
Family: Oliver and Kaja (Older)
Other:  is usually to be found in trees or hiden in her locker
Hogwarts: Slythrine ^.^

Tuesday 25 February 2014

George Waters

Age: 17 +
Perso- Silly Mature Positive about most things
Hobby/Talent: Interested in lots of Army and World war stuff Also plays drums
Supernat: Weather God person thing
Family: Jess younger sis
Other: When he grows up wants to join the army ^.^
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw or Slythrine
His room

Oliver Waters

Age: 16 +
Perso- Normal Flirty Confident Causal
Hobby/Talent: Skate boarding Poetry Sports
Supernat: Can change wut he looks like to people and things
Family: Emily (Older sister)
Other: When he was little he was bullied and abused by his step father but only Emily knows and if he knows you good enough he will tell you
Hogwarts: Slythrine
His room


Zoey's Party Outfits

Six ^.^
Five ^.^
Four ^.^
TWO ^.^

Zoey's Dance/Prom outfit

Hey! She is already wearing a stupid dress! She is not gonna wear high heels!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Zoey's CreepyPasta drawings

Ben Drowned
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer


Tuesday 11 February 2014

Zoey's Hair dyes ^-^

Derek Waters

Age 17 +
Perso- Funny Cool out going maybe the most normalest person out of the whole family...No where being wierd as Zoey and Ali and No where near as Shy as Vanlie ^-^
Hobby/Talent: Technology
Supernat: Can Control Air and Earth
Family- Zoey Ali (Younger Siblings)  Vanlie (Older)
Other- Swedish and Italiano
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff (Thts how you spell it right?)
Derek's room